About US

  • Affiliated with and commended for over four decades of service by the International Literacy Association (formerly the International Reading Association), a member of the New York State Reading Association and listed in the SCOPE Directory. We are also listed with the Western Suffolk BOCES Instructional Support Services.

  • The Reading Specialists Council of Suffolk (RSCS) provides a professional forum and network to further an awareness and understanding of literacy issues as they relate to educators and the community. Opportunities for personal or professional development are available at our monthly presentations covering a variety of timely enlightening and educational topics that are focused on literacy issues. District/school approval is needed for professional development credit.

  • Membership is open to all who are interested in improving reading instruction in all of its aspects. We invite reading K - 12 classroom teachers and reading specialists, administrators, literacy volunteers, professors, future teachers, and community members to be part of our non-profit professional organization.
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